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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Deductive Reasoning Version 2, conditional reasoning fall(s) prey to illicit conversion, logical arguments can be evaluated using conditional reasoning, syllogisms fall(s) prey to the belief- bias effect, relationships between conditions contain consequences, syllogisms fall(s) prey to illicit conversion, "if...then...sentences" contain antecedents, Deductive Reasoning requires evaluating logical arguments, confirmation bias states that people would rather prove a hypothesis than reject it, illicit conversion means part of a problem is inappropriately changed to another form, the belief- bias effect occurs when judgements are based on prior beliefs, antecedents take longer to evaluate if negative information is involved, consequences are more accurately understood if concrete examples are used, logical consequences can be evaluated using conditional reasoning, logical arguments can be evaluated using syllogisms, a conclusion is (are) assumed to be true, relationships between conditions contain antecedents, conditional reasoning describes relationships between conditions, two statements is (are) assumed to be true, Deductive Reasoning requires evaluating logical consequences, conditional reasoning fall(s) prey to confirmation bias